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    Saturday, January 21, 2006

    Tom Judd's once-a-week project

    Tom Judd explains his project just splendid:

    This is ONCE-A-WEEK, my new online project for 2006. It is primarily a way to keep me drawing everyday, although unlike EVERYDAY this project has a little more going on. Each and every Saturday I will be putting the original page up for auction on e-bay with the starting price of 1p. I am also selling the chance for anyone to mutilate my art for advertising space. This amalgamation of art and advertising could be quite interesting. It will all depend on the popularity of this site. I have now idea what is going to happen. Exciting stuff. You can follow the projects ups and downs by reading my blog. I will attempt to updated it every other day.

    BUY: Each week the original page goes for auction with the starting price of 1p.
    DESTROY: For £50 you can destroy a piece of my art. I will stick an advert of your choice over my original art work.
    RESULTS: I am keeping a log of all the results from this bizarre project in my Blog. It is updated every other day.

    Science blog network

    Seed Magazine has launched a network of topical science blogs, covering the leading edge of science and culture. ScienceBlogs is intendet to be the web's largest conversation about science. It features blogs from a wide array of scientific disciplines, with new voices coming on board regularly. It is a global, digital science salon.
    The Blogs:
    Adventures in Ethics and Science, Aetiology, Afarensis, Cognitive Daily, Deltoid, Dispatches from the Culture Wars, Evolgen, Gene Expression, The Intersection, Living the Scientific Life, No Se Nada Commentary, Pharyngula, Stranger Fruit, Uncertain Principles,

    Friday, January 20, 2006

    Google against the US Goverment

    The story about Department of Justice attorneys filing suit in federal court for access to Google's databases exploded across the Internet, and it appears they out of the big four search engines resisted prior requests for that information.

    MSN, AOL, and Yahoo have complied with those requests, Danny Sullivan posted, as did Xeni Jardin at BoingBoing. Sullivan wrote extensively on the issue, cited that personal information wasn't requested by the government and noted a couple of points about the DOJ action:

    Getting a list of all searches in one week definitely would let US federal government dig deep into the long tail of porn searches. But then again, the sheer amount of data would be overwhelming. Do you know every variation of a term someone might use, that you're going to dig out of the hundreds of millions of searches you'd get?
    Moreover, since the data is divorced from user info, you have no idea what searches are being done by children or not. In the end, you've asked for a lot of data that's not really going to help you estimate anything at all.

    Greg Yardley blogged that the battle is already lost, and Google's eventual compliance is a foregone conclusion:

    Google will fall into line once it realizes that the government can get equivalent data from other sources and sees how non-compliance affects its lobbying efforts - and once it realizes that this sort of move on the part of the government isn't unique to the ‘Bush administration' or even American politics. No government will be able to resist the temptation of such a large pool of aggregated data forever.

    This was originally posted by David A. Utter & was seized 4 u by Reseizer

    AJAX - ThinkCAP goes open source

    Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, or AJAX, a technique for creating interactive Web applications, has exploded onto the Web development scene, gaining popularity so quickly that some developers are lagging behind in their skills. To address the need for faster AJAX development, lots of companies and developer communities are coming up with Rapid Application Development (RAD) platforms for AJAX. One of those platforms, ThinkCAP JX Framework, combines more than two dozen open source libraries, and the "framework" portion of the application has just been released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). These days, businesses and end-users alike expect fast loading, yet highly interactive and complex Web pages and applications, and software developers are scrambling to keep up with those demands. Web sites that used to be coded strictly in HTML now are inadequate without CSS, JavaScript, DHTML, XML, server-side scripting, or some combination of these techniques. That's what AJAX is, a combination of HTML or XHTML and CSS, JavaScript, and either an XMLHttpRequest or an iFrame object to communicate with the server. AJAX is popular becau it can eliminate the need to completely refresh the page in the browser when requested data is delivered from the remote server, making those server-side applications run fast and smooth, almost like a local application. New information updates smaller blocks of the displayed page without affecting the rest of the page, and server calculations happen in the background, or "asynchronously" while the user is happily interacting with other elements of the page.

    Thursday, January 19, 2006

    Tablane - just another browser?

    They are touting out that you will find three things in the Tablane browser that are new, which is not true, but it has two features that I find interesting:
    " * Lanes - No more browser window clutter and pop-up mess. Lanes let you compare pages, prices or images on diverse sites within a single browser window. Lanes make really good use of widescreen laptops.
    * Collections - No more 'flat' bookmarks you can't share, search or archive. With Tablane's Collections, you can easily edit and share links to Internet resources, or add them directly into your blogs complete with thumbnail snapshots of the sites you've selected. Collections are in the RSS XML format."

    It's an interesting Internet Explorer based browser targeting a specific niche.
    Another browser to come onto the radar recently is the Cibernaut browser

    Popular elements of a 2006 web site or service

    A lot of the features and functionality of so-called Web 2.0 sites are now common elements in most current web apps and sites. It's really gone beyond what was labelled 'Web 2.0' last year, because so many mainstream websites are now using these elements. It's no longer a niche trend. For your reference here is a summary of some of the popular elements in use by modern web sites and services:
    Tagging is the process of labeling a piece of content It's gone beyond what was labelled 'Web 2.0'with metadata. Flickr and (a social goal-setting service that lets people enter their goals and share them with a community of people) were two early examples, but recently we've started to see tagging adopted by more mainstream companies such as Amazon. Tags are really just keywords, so there's no reason most websites can't utilize them more to help their users navigate.
    originally posted by Richard MacManus and seized 4 u by Reseizer

    Cute Chinese Internet cop warns users that they are under total and constant surveillance

     Attachments Shang Peijin ChachashenzheninternetpolicechinaJoe says:
    "Have you seen the cartoons China's internet police
    are now using to depict themselves online?
    So cute! So scary!
    Apparently "Jing Jing" and "Cha Cha" --
    "Jingcha" is Chinese for police --
    will show up on certain pages while you surf,
    just to let you know your every move is being watched.
    And you can even click to live chat with

    real Chinese internet coppers. Fabulous? Link

    originally posted by Mark Frauenfelder at Boing Boing and seized 4 u by Reseizer

    Wednesday, January 18, 2006

    Chantal Michel - photos

    How does a body relate to space? This is a question which a sculptor may ask when working on three-dimensional sculptures that unfold their effect in space. In the mid 1990s, Chantal Michel grappled with this problem while studying sculpture at the Karlsruhe Art Academy. What she did not like was the cool, technical character of the lifeless objects created by her. She began to wonder how a body would have to be created that felt its way out into the space around it and at the same time overcame the distance to the artist. The solution she found was astonishingly simple: the body capable of fulfilling these demands could only be her own. Since then Chantal Michel has staged herself in various spaces. Her picture series show her, for example, in a disused brewery and in a hotel. She changes her form like a chameleon: costume, gestures and mimicry blend in subtly with the threatening or contemplative surroundings. The mis-en-scène blurs the dividing line between object and subject: Chantal Michel becomes an object controlled by space – the space, by contrast, becomes the subject through the presence of the personified spirit of the place. Do we now know why the woman lies over a tub, is hanging in the broom cupboard, standing in the corner or behind the curtain? No. Presumably there are also no completely satisfying answers. Chantal Michel’s series of pictures unsettles the viewer. They are outbreaks of the bizarre in a world in which the principle of causality reigns. They show the existence of this “other” – they do not wish nor are they able to explain it.

    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    Nuvvo - teach online for free

    The online Learning Management System space is set to grow massively over the coming years as more and more education takes place on the web. Nuvvo launched a few days ago with an interesting service in this market.
    Nuvvo, which is free, allows educators to create courses with an great Ajax interface (watching the tour makes me realize how useful Ajax can be with applications like this). There are also modules to assist with charging students for the course (if the educator chooses to charge), create tests, grade, etc. The hard work goes into creating the content, not figuring out how to use Nuvvo.
    Current courses are listed here. Nuvvo makes money from ads and by taking 8% of any course fees set by the educator.

    For Nuvvo teacher involvement is key to student success. Its intended to be an interactive system with lots of different ways for to get involved and stay involved:
    • Keep in touch with individuals and groups using our simple Message Tool
    • Participate in class discussions with Blogs
    • Track student progress with Evaluation Tools and our easy-to-use Gradebook

    From course start to course end, Nuvvo intents to help the teacher leading students along the right path.

    (What I haven’t been able to do is review an actual course, which requires an application.)

    originally posted by Michael Arrington at Techcrunch, seized & rewritten 4 u by Reseizer

    Monday, January 16, 2006

    This site has been discovered by at least one more then you. has hit No.1 position when asking for "reseize" or "Who is web2.0?" ;-)

    Try YubNub

    To everybody that is curious, likes to play or just has nothing better to do try YubNub!

    What is YubNub?
    YubNub is a command-line for the web. After setting it up on your browser, you simply type "gim porsche 911" to do a Google Image Search for pictures of Porsche 911 sports cars. Type "random 49" to return random numbers between 1 and 49, courtesy of And best of all, you can make a new command by giving YubNub an appropriate URL.

    Chat with users that are looking at the same website as you.

    Chatsum is a FREE add-on for your web browser that lets you chat with all the other Chatsum users that are looking at the same website as you.
    Chatsum lets you:
    • Chat live with other people who are looking at the same website as you!
    • Find out what other people think about the websites you're looking at!
    • Leave messages on any website you visit!
    • Read messages left on websites by other Chatsum users!
    • Browse the Chatsum community's favourite websites!
    • Hunt for treasure in our unique online treasure hunts!
    • Find people that like the same sites as you and then CHAT TO THEM!
    Do you want to know how many other people are looking at this webpage right now? How about chat to them? How about chat to anyone in the world that's looking at absolutely any webpage at absolutely anytime? - Works with Firefox, Mac OS X Tiger.

    Sunday, January 15, 2006

    (Monster) Skype, The Bandwidth Hog?

    Paul Kedrosky just experienced the worst of Skype. His computer became like a super-super node and basically overwhelmed his 100 megabit per second connection to the Internet. It has been a deep dark secret in the Skype world that how super fast hosts in the West are being used as supernodes for the benefit of others who are geeky enough to prevent this from happening.
    Testing by Computerworld showed that Skype starts up a large number of TCP and UDP connections when it starts up, but the supernode issue didn't occur. However, reports elsewhere warn against using Skype on connections with high bandwidth and IP addresses routeable on the internet. In supernode mode, Skype is reputedly able to saturate 100Mbit/s connections. Universities with high-speed connections often ban Skype usage because of this.
    This was seized 4 u by Reseizer