Someday, February 30, 2018
The Reseize weblog from archive org
This is the entrance to the old Rolli web-log / blog "Reseize" which existed between 2005 and 2012 in two different designs.
This page is in the "newer" design. Posts until August 2008 are in the older design.
Just klick on one of the links to the right to re-see / re-search some of the old posts from ancient times. Please note: The "older design" blog from 2006 to 2008 has the links to other pages on the left and
the "newer design" blog (from 2011) has the links to the other pages on the right.
Some content from the original weblog is missing (time 2009 - 2011 and also posts during the rest of the time of this blog (2005 to 2012). But I found these parts at the Internet Archive ""and decided to re-publish the stuff (for sentimental reasons).
Have fun....
...and remember to visit Rolli's music page for all the noise I made including pictures.