Rolli’s music home

Welcome to Rolli’s music homepage.

This is the html5 version of the website. Listen to the songs on this page as an appetizer and watch the pictures from my various bands/projects in the background.
Use the menu to navigate through the different projects/bands.
(This page should work in all browsers; however Internet Explorer 9 or higher is required for Microsoft browser users. I have checked this site with various browsers and Google Chrome works best – probably because it has the most advanced html implementation. Personally I use Firefox and Vivaldi which works just fine…if it doesn’t work for you click here.)

I hope that you have some fun, enjoy the photos and music on Rolli’s page. hosts music from Radi8, The Magnificent 7, Terminator Ted, A Taste Of Red, The Filthy Few Power Gang, Cora, K (Not Key) and friends.

The old “historical” pages are also still alive. The previous Radi8 page using flash is here (unfortunately it only appears with silent music and invisible playlist).
If you have nothing better to do you can also visit the first “extreme” flash experiment anno 1992 here (it functions only very superficially, or partially), in addition there is the useless and meaningless Terminator Ted site here,
or if you want to buy a flight to the ISS or just a star in some other galaxy go here … ;))
…and at last: I found my old blog from the time between 20015 and 2011 in the Internet Archive. It contains simple personal notes for myself, friends and advertisements – just stuff. Out of “archaeological” inspiration I have put it live here.

Sorry, nothing found.