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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Messing with the Optical Mind

Just when you think you've got your building figured out they go ahead and do this to you. Cool photos Check out more Optical Illusions at Impact Lab...
This was seized 4 u at ImpactLab.

Comments on "Messing with the Optical Mind"


steve said ... (Sun Jan 29, 12:13:10 AM CET) : 

Sorry about that previous "technical difficulty". Image link fixed.


Roland said ... (Sun Jan 29, 01:08:45 AM CET) : 

I Steve,

someone has messed up the posting at - perhaps we should break this link - (could be that someone thinks that the new photos are funny, but its not so much about 3D photos of achitecture anymore) ;-)

Greetings to Chicago from the Old Europe's Bankfurt


Roland said ... (Sun Jan 29, 10:44:50 AM CET) : 

I have deleted the relevant links (its a shame for the guy that originally posted these pictures...)


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