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Saturday, January 28, 2006

You need lingerie for your iPod? (A must for every iPods lover)

"Do you love your iPod? How much? Enough to buy it a sexy red negligee for Valentine's Day?" Los Angeles-based iPod accessory company iAttire has produced a line of underwear for your iPod that includes a negligee, boxer shorts in three different styles (hearts, stripes, or dots), undershirts (for you really tough iPodders that decorate your gadgets), and briefs (for iPods that still have some growing up to do).
And how much will looking this stupid cost you? Anywhere between $25-$60 for the accessory and $100 each time you go outside to keep from getting beaten to a pulp.

From the "about" page: iAttire produces hand-crafted costumes for iPods and hand-crafted iPod accessories. Our products feature the finest details for your amusement. Based in California, iAttire is fascinated by iPods and we have too many ideas for iPod accessories. What started with an amusing afternoon has turned into a long list of product requests from our customers… and now our products are available exclusively on the internet.
This was seized 4 u at webpronews and iAttire

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