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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Jing Jing and Cha Cha replaced by Sohu and Sina (Chinese Internet Police part 3)

The cute Internet police force Jing Jing and Cha Cha (which started work on January 1 of last year) is displaced by the more official looking but still cute Sohu and Sina. Police in China's capital said Tuesday they will start patrolling the Web using animated beat officers that pop up on a user's browser and walk, bike or drive across the screen warning them to stay away from illegal Internet content. Starting Sept. 1, the cartoon alerts will appear every half hour on 13 of China's top portals, including Sohu and Sina, and by the end of the year will appear on all Web sites registered with Beijing servers, the Beijing Public Security Ministry said in a statement. China stringently polices the Internet for material and content that the ruling Communist Party finds politically or morally threatening. (...) The animated police appeared designed to startle Web surfers and remind them that authorities closely monitor Web activity. Will we see those cops on some of Google's properties as well in the future? is already registered with the Chinese authorities, bearing the Internet Content Provider badge on their homepage.
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