Front Radi8 The Magnificent 7 Terminator Ted A Taste Of Red FFPG Cora misc

Trax4u - Cora & Kirstine

About Cora and Kirstine:

Cora and Kirstine are one person.

Since Radi8 got hiatus she has made her own music. A lot of trax together with CCRyder but also a few other collaborations.

Some more information will be added when it feels appropriate ...

Just listen to the music and enjoy!

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%{artist} - %{title} [%{album}], (%{year}) (%{time})
- - - - Trax4u - Press Play - or open the playlist! - -
Seek to %{time1} of %{time2}(%{percent}%)

This is a normal list of HTML links to MP3 files, which jsAMP picks up and turns into a playlist.